indre sorokaite vadove 61acf9da007cf
Indrė Sorokaitė

Academy's founder

"Be the best version of yourself everyday!"

egle meigiene administratore
Eglė Meigienė

Deputy Director

"Don't go forward, means to make a step back""

goda liaudasnkiene
Goda Liaudanskienė

Team manager

"There are no limits, only challenges that make me improve."

jorge basualdo
Jorge Emanuel Basualdo Castano

Coaches coordinator

Dream big, follow your passions, and watch as they become your reality!

alanas silkinas
Alanas Silkinas

Head coach

"Athlete's trust, respect and results are the best rewards for coaches"

greta folmer
Greta Folmer

Head Coach

"One person is an important part of a team, but one person will never be a team"

indre gulbiniene
Indrė Gulbinienė

Head Coach

"No one will beat you until you give up"

gabriele jatkonyte
Gabrielė Jatkonytė

Assistant coach

emilija gervyte
Emilija Gervytė

Assistant coach

"Believe in yourself, even when others don't believe in you"

kamile zokaite
Kamilė Zokaitė

Assistant coach

"Victory begins with self-belief."

auguste macyte
Augustė Mačytė

Assistant coach

"The moment you give up is the moment you let someone else win"

The staff of the Academy is in direct contact with its members and their parents: we want to be the best role model for the young athletes in our Academy. We believe that behavior, enthusiasm and focus are the foundations of education. At the academy, we develop a victorious mentality that is not only related to training and sports, but also to school results. We are interested in the academic performances results and encourage them to be fully successful.

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